Kid’s Club is held in our Cauchi Hall facility which has a bright open space for our different age groups to share and interact. We offer before school care from 7:00 – 7:45 a.m. and after dismissal until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of school holidays. Kid’s Club is available on all minimum days, with the exception of the last day before Christmas break and the last day of school.
During this extended care program, children have opportunity to participate in organized games, outdoor recreational play, and art and holiday craft activities. A nutritional daily snack is provided, as well as an occasional indulgence in a sweet treat.
Homework time is a mandatory activity for students in 1st through 8th grade. The Junior High Homework Club uses the 7th grade classroom where students are provided a quiet environment in which to study.
We honor our daily “Peacebuilder®️ Pledge” by demonstrating behavior that fosters an environment permeated by peace. Additionally, the children make crafts for the elderly and send them monthly to a local senior residence, spreading joy in our community. We also have sent goodies and cards to our troops abroad.
Kid’s Club Fees
The fees for the school year are as follows:
Registration Fee: $30
(Snack and supplies)
Hourly Fee: $6.00/hour.
There is a minimum charge of 1 hour, and then fees are accrued by quarter hour increments.
Special adjustments: $7.00/hour Charged when a student is dropped off without 24 hour advance notice.
Late Fee: $7.00/minute for each minute after 6:00 pm that a student remains at Kid’s Club.
Kid’s Club Staff
About Mrs. Wright
Hi, I am Mrs. Wright. I have been a parishioner of St. Agnes since 1983. I am the proud parent of a former St. Agnes student.
In the 2007-2008 school year I returned to St. Agnes as an instructional assistant, splitting my hours between the 7th and 8th grades. In 2012, after several years of working at Kid’s Club during after school hours, I became the Kid’s Club Program Director. It is very rewarding to be part of this wonderful program.