Family Handbook
St. Agnes has compiled a family handbook to assist you in understanding the rules and procedures at our school, and we host it on our website for easy reference. Please refer to it as a reminder when you have questions regarding absences, grading, dress codes, and many other procedures at our school.
If you feel that some additional subject would be helpful to include for parents, please let the office staff know.
25-26 Re-Registration Form due 2/5
Event Forms
General Forms & Letters
Parent Volunteers
Anyone who volunteers on campus or who attends field trips must be fingerprinted and complete the online VIRTUS training (proof of completion must be submitted to office with $15 processing fee) before being cleared. Fingerprinting can take weeks to process, so please plan accordingly. Fingerprinting is typically offered on campus the first day of school, but you can have it done any other time by picking up a copy of the Life Scan form from the school office and taking it to a certified scan location (PostalAnnex, UPS, etc.). There is a fee for fingerprint processing.
Standard Based Report Card
Standards Based Report Cards PPT »